Upcoming events and Francophonie!

Dear families,

Please note the following upcoming dates and special events:

Thursday, February 15: Winter fun day! It is also a dress down day. PJs welcome. Please send extra socks, mittens, and a change of clothing just in case. We will be spending a lot of time outdoors and want to ensure everyone is comfy and dry!

Friday, February 16: No school for students, PD day

Week of February 19th: No school, reading week

Week of March 4th: Semaine de la Francophonie. An exciting week with a French focus!

Thursday, March 7th: Francofête! All students are asked to wear blue jeans and a white top. Please practice this song with your child(ren) so that they have as many opportunities as possible over the break to be their amazing selves! Here are the lyrics. Performance begins at 6:30 pm in the gym. Please drop off your child(ren) to their classroom no later than 6:20 pm. More details to follow – after reading week.

Goodbye dear November…

Remeber way back when, on November 1st, we had a lovely guest (Dov) who made our November Weather Tracker? Well, here we are at the end of the month – wow time flies! We learned about the weather in English, Hebrew, and our favourite ended up being French! We love singing Quel temps fait-il by Alain Lelait.

Here is what we discovered:

November has a lot of different kinds of weather, usually more than one at a time, and it changes during the day! The most common weather was cloudy (nuageux). There was also a lot of sunshine (soleil) and wind (vent). There were some rainy days (pluie) and some snowy days (neige). There were no foggy days (brouillard). We added a rainbow (arc-en-ciel) because Ittay saw one!

A big thank you to Ittay for bringing in his weekend and PD Day weather tracker to add to our data collection!