This Week in JK

This week in JK we finished our ‘animals in the winter’ unit. We learned about hibernation, migration, and adaptation. Please check your child’s backpack for artwork, a game, and a song! To wrap up our unit, we had Let’s Talk Science from Ottawa U visit us for a fun workshop where we compared how well fur, feathers, and fat kept our hands warm in the snow compared to an empty bag. JK decided that the best one to keep their hands warm was the fur (also because that’s the coziest!)



Today we listened to the story “Dinofours It’s Snowing!” by Steve Metzger. The dinofours are dinosaurs that are four years old, just like us! We were inspired by the footprints that they made in the freshly fallen snow in the story and we created our own dinosaur footprints using our classroom toys and some paint. Check out our awesome work! 


If you’d like to listen to the story again at home, here it is! Enjoy!



Today I learned (TIL) about dinosaurs:
Netasaurus: Dinosaurs were HUGE!
Reuvisaurus: Kentrosauruses lived millions of years ago.
Joshuasaurus: I forget what the name is but I liked looking for dinosaur bones (paleontoligist).
Livasaurus: One of them (herbivore) cannot bite people because their teeth are not sharp they are flat.
Joeysaurus: Bones are the only part left of them. (Fossils)
Moishesaurus: Finding the bones was the best!
Ivrisaurus: You can’t touch them because they’re not alive anymore.

We had a visit from Isabelle and Ahmad from Ottawa U’s ‘Let’s Talk Science’ program. We talked about fossils and became paleontologists. Then we went hunting and found a dinosaur skeleton in our class. We collaborated to put it back together and named it “Rex”. We then made two dinosaur puppets (check your child’s backpack!): one herbivore and one carnivore, and we talked about the different shapes of their teeth. Then, we used toothpicks to dig fossils (chocolate chips) out of rocks (cookies). It was so much fun! We can’t wait for their next visit in the winter!