Settling in and upcoming events

Shalom families! As your wonderful children continue to settle in and get used to our new space, I continue to be amazed at their resilience and ability to adapt to new things. Kol Ha’kavod!

Our day-to-day schedule has changed slightly, please see our ‘class schedule’ page for more info.

And now for the fun stuff!

Tomorrow (Friday) we will be having a family style Kabbalat Shabbat with Dr. Mitzmacher from 3:05 pm – 3:45 pm and we hope you can join us!

HOMEWORK ALERT!!! Monday morning, May 13th, we will be welcoming grandparents and special friends into our classroom (virtually!). We will be having a show and tell as part of our activities. Please have your child select an item to bring to class that reminds them of their grandparent(s). You can send it in tomorrow (Friday) or on Monday.

Thank you for your collaboration!


the “end” of the ‘line’

Your children are proudly bringing home their stories, zip line kits, and final ‘line’ study today. We discussed how lines can be short or long, straight or curved, have arcs or corners, and even all of those things in one line! The one thing to remember is that a line has a beginning and an end. Yesterday we painted using pipe cleaners to give an interesting parallel-lined texture to our picture frames. Today, we traced a beautiful continuous line drawing (yes, just one line!) to make a Shabbat themed window hanging. Next week, we will see what happens when the beginning and the end are connected… stay tuned!

Challah Time!

Today in JK we re-launch our OJCS pre-covid tradition of having a Shabbat Ima and Abba! In honour of this very special celebration, we made our very own delicious challot this morning! We learned the Hebrew words ‘sukar’ (sugar), ‘kemach’ (flour), ‘melach’ (salt), ‘shemen’ (oil), ‘mayim’ (water), and ‘shmarim’ (yeast). We fed some sugar to the yeast and watched it get all bubbly while we sang “I’ve got that Shabbat feeling”, checked our eggs for blood spots and shells (none! woohoo!), and then mixed all of the ingredients together. We kneaded, shaped, and let our dough rise. Morah Susan added some sprinkles as a surprise and baked our challot. Enjoy!

As part of our weekly classroom jobs, we have a Chazan or Chazanit Hashavuah who helps lead the tefillot and our Kabbalat Shabbat. We will be asking that each child bring a challah on their assigned Friday to share with their friends. You will receive an email from Morah Susan on the Monday before your child’s designated Shabbat. In order to follow the school’s kashrut policy, the challah must be kosher, sealed with a hechsher, and nut-free. We recommend the challot from Loblaws College Square, Metro on Greenbank, or any Farmboy location. Ordering from A Dashing Pinch or Creative Kosher are also welcomed options. As always, if you have any questions, you know how to reach us!

Shabbat Shalom!