Homework alert!

We have been getting ready to celebrate Tu Bi’Shevat (**special homework after photos**). We’ve done some beautiful art, read stories, learned some songs, and learned about Shivat Haminim. Here’s another story from our very own amazing librarian, Brigitte, that you can enjoy at home together. We also started germinating some beans and lentils, and we will be planting them on Thursday or Friday, depending on how long their roots get.

HOMEWORK: This Thursday, January 25th, in honour of Tu Bi’Shevat, we will be having a “favourite fruit” show and tell. Please send your child with one or two types of fruit that they enjoy, packaged separately from their lunch and snacks. Please leave stems, peels, and seeds/pits as we will be exploring each fruit as well. Thank you!

This Friday, January 26th, we will be having a dress down day in support of JNF. Please send a loonie or a toonie. See flyer below.