
This week we are taking a dive into the beautiful world of patterns! We started today with AB patterns and had a great time practicing, continuing, and inventing our own! I am very excited to see what patterns will be coming to our classroom tomorrow for “Tacky Tuesday”!


We also had a fabulous time parading our costumes and playing games at the Purim carnival.

upcoming events!

We’ve got some exciting things happening here at OJCS that will carry us to the end of March! See flyers below for more details.

Wednesday, March 20th: Innovation Day
Please join us in our classroom from 9 am to 9:45 am to experiment with us and hear about our scientific investigations!

Monday, March 25th to Thursday, March 28th: Ruach week!
No school on Friday, March 29th.
There is a Grade 8 raffle happening that week as well, see flyers for info on ticket prices and prizes!
Here are the daily themes:
Monday: Our class costume theme is “מה שבא לי”. Borrowing from one of the themes of the Purim holiday, ״ונהפוך הוא״, we are taking a phrase that we have worked hard on flipping around – ״לא בא לי״ – and are flipping it into “מה שבא לי”! This is also the day we visit the school wide Purim carnival, please see the flyer below asking for donations of gently used toys for prizes.
Tuesday: Tacky Tuesday. Wear your most mis-matched clothing!
Wednesday: Wild West! Yee haw cowboys and cowgirls! Let’s practice our cowboy hustle!
Thursday: PJ Day, also dress down day! Bring your toonies and loonies in support of the Humane Society!


This Friday, March 3rd, dismissal is at 3:00 pm!

Next week is Ruach Week, where every day of the week is an opportunity to dress up in a different theme.
See the poster below for the schedule.

Another way we celebrate is by going to the school-wide Purim Carnival. To make it even more fun, students can win tickets and trade them in for prizes! We are looking for donations of gently used toys and tchatchkes to be used as prizes. If you would like to donate something and are unsure if it is appropriate, please send us a picture and we will let you know!

Purim is coming!

Purim is coming and we are gearing up for a fabulous school-wide celebration. Next week is Ruach Week, where every day of the week is an opportunity to dress up in a different theme. See the poster below for the schedule. Another way we celebrate is by going to the Purim Carnival. To make it even more fun, students can win tickets and trade them in for prizes! We are looking for donations of gently used toys and tchatchkes to be used as prizes. If you would like to donate something and are unsure if it is appropriate, please send us a picture and we will let you know!