Magic Fizzy Dinosaur Eggs

This morning we got to hatch a fossilized dinosaur egg. It was made out of baking soda, water, and food colouring. We helped the egg dissolve by pipettes and vinegar, and found a T-rex fossil inside! Then, we got to make our own dinosaur eggs and hatch them! We used our 5 senses to check out all of the ingredients – except taste because that would be yucky – and throughout the reaction.
(Listen with the sound on.)


We had so much fun! If you’d like to repeat the experience at home, here is the link to the experiment.
Comment below when you try it at home!



Today we listened to the story “Dinofours It’s Snowing!” by Steve Metzger. The dinofours are dinosaurs that are four years old, just like us! We were inspired by the footprints that they made in the freshly fallen snow in the story and we created our own dinosaur footprints using our classroom toys and some paint. Check out our awesome work! 


If you’d like to listen to the story again at home, here it is! Enjoy!



Today I learned (TIL) about dinosaurs:
Netasaurus: Dinosaurs were HUGE!
Reuvisaurus: Kentrosauruses lived millions of years ago.
Joshuasaurus: I forget what the name is but I liked looking for dinosaur bones (paleontoligist).
Livasaurus: One of them (herbivore) cannot bite people because their teeth are not sharp they are flat.
Joeysaurus: Bones are the only part left of them. (Fossils)
Moishesaurus: Finding the bones was the best!
Ivrisaurus: You can’t touch them because they’re not alive anymore.

We had a visit from Isabelle and Ahmad from Ottawa U’s ‘Let’s Talk Science’ program. We talked about fossils and became paleontologists. Then we went hunting and found a dinosaur skeleton in our class. We collaborated to put it back together and named it “Rex”. We then made two dinosaur puppets (check your child’s backpack!): one herbivore and one carnivore, and we talked about the different shapes of their teeth. Then, we used toothpicks to dig fossils (chocolate chips) out of rocks (cookies). It was so much fun! We can’t wait for their next visit in the winter!




Shalom JK Families,
We are having a visit from Ottawa U’s ‘Let’s Talk Science’ program on Monday. Our scientific exploration will be about dinosaurs so I’ve given JK some homework for Monday morning: they need to bring in a dinosaur stuffy, figurine, or book. If you don’t have one at home, don’t worry, we have plenty in the class! There is no need to buy anything.
Thank you for your support!
Shabbat Shalom


Here is what we observed and what we now know about what happens to snow when we bring it indoors:

  • when the snow melts, there is less water than there was snow. That’s because the air spaces between snowflakes dissapear when the snowflakes melt!
  • at the bottom we found sand, gravel, and dirt – ewww! This is why we should not eat snow! (Unless it is falling from the sky directly into our mouths)
  • red snow becomes red water
  • the snow outside didn’t melt and that’s because it’s still very cold outside.

We are now headed out to repeat the experiment! Enjoy your day!

Before  After  The dirt


We had a great morning playing outside in the snow! We had so much fun spraying the snow with red! One friend even brought a bucket of red snow into the class as an experiment to see what will happen! Stay tuned…

Challah Time!

Today in JK we re-launch our OJCS pre-covid tradition of having a Shabbat Ima and Abba! In honour of this very special celebration, we made our very own delicious challot this morning! We learned the Hebrew words ‘sukar’ (sugar), ‘kemach’ (flour), ‘melach’ (salt), ‘shemen’ (oil), ‘mayim’ (water), and ‘shmarim’ (yeast). We fed some sugar to the yeast and watched it get all bubbly while we sang “I’ve got that Shabbat feeling”, checked our eggs for blood spots and shells (none! woohoo!), and then mixed all of the ingredients together. We kneaded, shaped, and let our dough rise. Morah Susan added some sprinkles as a surprise and baked our challot. Enjoy!

As part of our weekly classroom jobs, we have a Chazan or Chazanit Hashavuah who helps lead the tefillot and our Kabbalat Shabbat. We will be asking that each child bring a challah on their assigned Friday to share with their friends. You will receive an email from Morah Susan on the Monday before your child’s designated Shabbat. In order to follow the school’s kashrut policy, the challah must be kosher, sealed with a hechsher, and nut-free. We recommend the challot from Loblaws College Square, Metro on Greenbank, or any Farmboy location. Ordering from A Dashing Pinch or Creative Kosher are also welcomed options. As always, if you have any questions, you know how to reach us!

Shabbat Shalom!