coming up…

For dress down day next Thursday, November 30 we will be having a JK pyjama day! Please bring your loonies and toonies to help support the Royal Canadian Legion.


Friday, November 24: No School PD Day

Thursday, November 30: Dress down day (JK only PJ Day)

Tuesday, December 5 – Thursday, December 7: Scholastic Book Fair! (JK visits on Thursday, see flyer for more details)

Upcoming Events

Some important upcoming events:

Scholastic Book Fair
JK is visiting on Tuesday, December 6th
Parents can visit in-person too!
You can also shop the virtual link.
See flyer below for details.

Birthday Lunch!
In honour of their birthday, Joey and Liv’s family are providing hotdog lunch on Tuesday, December 6th. You do not need to pack a lunch, but please send snacks and water as usual! Let us know ASAP if you would like veggie hotdogs for your child.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, December 8th (2 pm dismissal)
Friday, December 9th (no classes)

Schoolwide Chanukah Celebration!
Tuesday, December 20th
6:30 pm in the OJCS gym


Scholastic Book Fair!

Bitmoji ImageNext week, it is the annual OJCS Scholastic Book Fair! Bitmoji Image

JK will be visiting the Book Fair on Tuesday, December 6th and the kids will have a chance to buy some books. We sent home a flyer earlier in the week, and you can also check out the Virtual Book Fair Link with your child and pick a few options – it will give you a sense of how much money to send to school. We ask that you send your child’s money in a ziploc baggie with their name on it and the total amount you are sending. You can also send a list of preferred books with your child, though we cannot guarantee that every title will be available.  If you would prefer to buy online, that’s also great, but please ensure that your child understands that they will not be buying a book at school (to avoid disappointment). 
Parents are also welcome to visit the Book Fair! See the poster below for more information. The book fair will be open during Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday night from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, and Friday morning from 8:30 am until 12:00 pm.

If you have any questions or comments, please comment on this post!