Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve posted! We’ve been super busy here, getting adjusted to our new surroundings and routines, and more importantly, welcoming 2 new friends into our JK family!
As we continue on our STEAM journey, we have been taking our art exploration to another level. Over the next 5 weeks, we will be conducting science experiments through process art to investigate and learn about nature and the world around us!
This week, we are focusing on water and air, therefore learning about three of the states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Here is a simple experiment you can conduct together at home, to extend your child’s learning about the water cycle. If you try it, comment below to let us know how it went, what you learned, and what you still want to know!
So here is what we did on Wednesday: We first sprayed water onto paper and froze it. Next, we painted onto the frozen paper, and watched what happened to the icy paper and warm paint as it thawed. Then, we took our leftover paint and painted ice cube trays, added water and popsicle sticks, and stuck them in the freezer overnight!

Today we painted with the frozen paint cubes. We started in the shade just to test out our cubes. Then we went into the sunshine! Some friends noticed that the ice cubes melted so much faster in the sun, and remarked they went from solid to liquid! We talked about how if the liquid heats up even more, it turns to gas, which is why puddles always disappear. From there, we painted on the grass, made grass prints, and some friends even made hand prints. Check out our process and our masterpieces!

Tomorrow, we are hoping for another warm and sunny day so we can get outside and paint with water to see if it will evaporate, how long it takes, and compare evaporation in the sun and in the shade.