upcoming events!

We’ve got some exciting things happening here at OJCS that will carry us to the end of March! See flyers below for more details.

Wednesday, March 20th: Innovation Day
Please join us in our classroom from 9 am to 9:45 am to experiment with us and hear about our scientific investigations!

Monday, March 25th to Thursday, March 28th: Ruach week!
No school on Friday, March 29th.
There is a Grade 8 raffle happening that week as well, see flyers for info on ticket prices and prizes!
Here are the daily themes:
Monday: Our class costume theme is “מה שבא לי”. Borrowing from one of the themes of the Purim holiday, ״ונהפוך הוא״, we are taking a phrase that we have worked hard on flipping around – ״לא בא לי״ – and are flipping it into “מה שבא לי”! This is also the day we visit the school wide Purim carnival, please see the flyer below asking for donations of gently used toys for prizes.
Tuesday: Tacky Tuesday. Wear your most mis-matched clothing!
Wednesday: Wild West! Yee haw cowboys and cowgirls! Let’s practice our cowboy hustle!
Thursday: PJ Day, also dress down day! Bring your toonies and loonies in support of the Humane Society!

coming up…

For dress down day next Thursday, November 30 we will be having a JK pyjama day! Please bring your loonies and toonies to help support the Royal Canadian Legion.


Friday, November 24: No School PD Day

Thursday, November 30: Dress down day (JK only PJ Day)

Tuesday, December 5 – Thursday, December 7: Scholastic Book Fair! (JK visits on Thursday, see flyer for more details)

Last Day Tomorrow!

Dear JK Families,

We have had an AMAZING year together and it’s a bittersweet feeling that we are all feeling today! Your children have been asking for this for a few weeks and we are happy to announce that tomorrow (Wednesday, June 28) will be….. A PYJAMA PARTY!!!!! Please send your child dressed in weather-appropriate pjs (no fleece!), bring a small stuffy, some snacks and water. We will not need lunch as it is a 12:00 pm dismissal.

We are also sending home a lot of things your children have worked on throughout the year. Please send an extra canvas bag in case their backpacks get too heavy. Some of the folders have summer practice pages, so please keep an eye out for those.

Thank you so much for being a part of the 2022-23 OJCS JK family, we LOVED having your children in our class this year, and watching them grow and become the amazing, confident, kind, unique individuals that they are today.

Keep in touch! Have a fabulous summer!


Morah Susan, Monsieur Ebbs, and Morah Mushki