forces of motion

This week we are exploring the forces of motion. We talked about gravity and tried to jump as high as we could to see how gravity feels when we “fall” back down. We played with our marble run, which has sections that allow the marbles to fall straight down and observed that they go really fast. Then there are the other pieces that make the marble go around in a circle, a squiggly line, make something spin, and even do a loop!

We observed that the marbles can travel at different speeds through those pieces of the marble run, which is very interesting. This is called friction. We wondered what else can cause friction to slow down a marble. Since we have paint readily available, we decided to test out how the paint would affect the motion of the marble, and turn this experiment into art!

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s extension: applying magnetic force to marble painting!

the results are in!

We discovered that:
– the sun faded the paper (maybe it burned it!)
– the tape and the rocks left shadows
– the sunscreen is very thick and we scraped off a bit to find the paper was still very black underneath

Some questions we still have:
– why did the sunscreen stay white on the paper when it does not do that on our skin?
– would it also work if we use a different kind of sunscreen?
– what if the paper was in the sun the WHOLE day?? The sun moved and our paintings were in the shadows for a bit
– comment below with your own questions!

In conclusion/Now we know: Sunscreen works! Please consider sending your children with a sun hat and sunscreen already applied in the morning, or send a labelled tube/bottle for them to apply before going outside in sunny weather. Please practice with them at home so that they can apply sunscreen independently or with a little guidance. Thank you!

light and sight!

This week we have been investigating “light and sight”.

Our wonderful EA, Morah Alanah, brought us an experiment this morning: sunscreen painting! We first talked about the weather and how as spring moves into summer, the days get hotter. It is the sun that gives us heat and light, which can be dangerous for our skin and our eyes, so we talked about how to protect ourselves. Finally, we got to paint with sunscreen, hypothesizing what might happen to our paper when we leave it in the sunshine…

Stay tuned for the results!

Call for donations

Shalom families,

As Shavuot approaches, OJCS is getting ready to celebrate. One of the things we have been doing as a school is an annual food drive in support of the Ottawa Kosher Food Bank. Please click here for more information about this wonderful organization in our community.

This year, they are asking primarily for donations of paper towels, instant coffee, crackers, canned salmon and tuna, and canned vegetables. We are collecting donations (in our classroom) up until June 10th.

Thank you so much for your support!

Exploring our world through art

Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve posted! We’ve been super busy here, getting adjusted to our new surroundings and routines, and more importantly, welcoming 2 new friends into our JK family!

As we continue on our STEAM journey, we have been taking our art exploration to another level. Over the next 5 weeks, we will be conducting science experiments through process art to investigate and learn about nature and the world around us!

This week, we are focusing on water and air, therefore learning about three of the states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Here is a simple experiment you can conduct together at home, to extend your child’s learning about the water cycle. If you try it, comment below to let us know how it went, what you learned, and what you still want to know!

So here is what we did on Wednesday: We first sprayed water onto paper and froze it. Next, we painted onto the frozen paper, and watched what happened to the icy paper and warm paint as it thawed. Then, we took our leftover paint and painted ice cube trays, added water and popsicle sticks, and stuck them in the freezer overnight!

Today we painted with the frozen paint cubes. We started in the shade just to test out our cubes. Then we went into the sunshine! Some friends noticed that the ice cubes melted so much faster in the sun, and remarked they went from solid to liquid! We talked about how if the liquid heats up even more, it turns to gas, which is why puddles always disappear. From there, we painted on the grass, made grass prints, and some friends even made hand prints. Check out our process and our masterpieces!


Tomorrow, we are hoping for another warm and sunny day so we can get outside and paint with water to see if it will evaporate, how long it takes, and compare evaporation in the sun and in the shade.

Settling in and upcoming events

Shalom families! As your wonderful children continue to settle in and get used to our new space, I continue to be amazed at their resilience and ability to adapt to new things. Kol Ha’kavod!

Our day-to-day schedule has changed slightly, please see our ‘class schedule’ page for more info.

And now for the fun stuff!

Tomorrow (Friday) we will be having a family style Kabbalat Shabbat with Dr. Mitzmacher from 3:05 pm – 3:45 pm and we hope you can join us!

HOMEWORK ALERT!!! Monday morning, May 13th, we will be welcoming grandparents and special friends into our classroom (virtually!). We will be having a show and tell as part of our activities. Please have your child select an item to bring to class that reminds them of their grandparent(s). You can send it in tomorrow (Friday) or on Monday.

Thank you for your collaboration!


and now a few words from our friends in grade 3

We are so lucky here in JK to have our friend Nate (from Grade 3) come and help out every Thursday morning. This week, he brought a new friend, Mateo, and here is what they have to say about our class:

  1.  Rating of JK ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️x 100000000000000000000000000000000.
  2. JK is fun.
  3. JK is nice.
  4. JK is 😎 cool.
  5. JK is brave.
  6. When I am here I’ll play marble run and so many other things!
  7. Today was Mateo‘s first day Mateo loved it we’re gonna come back every Thursday!

Thank you so much Nate and Mateo, we can’t wait to see you next week!

Corona – not just a virus!

Happy eclipse day! This morning we explored what a total eclipse would actually look and feel like by watching a time lapse video, pausing it strategically, and talking about what we saw. Some questions that we discussed: What is happening to the shadows? Is this scary? Why/why not? Why does it look like night outside? Why can’t we look at the sun? What is the sun made of? We spent a lot of time talking about our eyes and why it is not safe to look at the sun. We even got to try out Ms Thompson’s eclipse glasses! Thank you for the cool experience, and the yummy surprise snack!

Then, we created our own corona art work, went for a nature walk to check out all the cool shadows on campus, and had snack outdoors in the beautiful weather.

Comment below if you watched the eclipse – we are so curious!!

Have a lovely, safe afternoon!