Innovation Day 2023

What an awesome morning we had, continuing our explorations of density and our sink or float investigations. We kicked off our week by following the scientific method. We asked a question (Will it sink or will it float?), made predictions (hypotheses), conducted experiments, made observations, and discussed our conclusions (what we learned).

We then started discussing density: What is it? Can we see it? How does density make something sink or float in water? We used bingo stampers to show what density looks like: lots of dots very close together means more dense, and dots that are farther apart are less dense.

We experimented with all kinds of objects that we found around our classroom. This morning we got to test out our hypotheses/predictions with our guests!

Then, we progressed to asking if we can change the density of water so that an object that previously sank would now float. We tested it out with an egg (an egg-cellent egg-speriment, if you will). We discovered that eggs will sink in water. We talked about how we can try to change the density of water by adding something to the space between the “dots” (from our density art). We poured in some salt, and let it dissolve and the egg… SANK! So we added more salt. LOTS. And the egg still sank! Because we are great scientists, we didn’t get discouraged, and we didn’t give up! After our guests left, we added EVEN MORE SALT and finally…. The egg FLOATED!!!!

If you’d like to recreate the egg-speriment at home, we highly recommend using a tall glass.

The inspiration for our experiments came from learning about the story of Passover, when baby Moses floated in a basket along the river. We also noticed that we were using salt water for our egg-speriment, just like we have salt water at our seder! JK didn’t want the experiments to stop, so, tomorrow they will be bringing a package to use at home. Send us your photos or comment below so we can share with the class!

École Enchantée – La Craie

This afternoon, during outdoor learning, we experimented with “la craie” (chalk) on pavement and in snow/water. We had a variety of chalk sizes/colours, mixing containers, wood tools to crush the chalk, and face molds to create colourful snow forms. We explored what happens when chalk gets crushed, mixed with snow and ice, and we asked can it colour the same way on “la neige” (the snow) and “le trottoir” (the sidewalk)? Check out the photos to see what we discovered – including some unearthed/excavated sculptures from winter fun day!

We celebrated la semaine de la Francophonie by writing chalk messages and playing hopscotch — en Francais! The students also enjoyed a traditional French café experience in the Makerspace (facilitated by the Middle School students et Mme. Wanda!)

We will see you tomorrow for our school wide show. Students are asked to come dressed in blue jeans, a white shirt, and sneakers. We will meet at 6:20 pm in our classroom and walk to the gym together. À demain!


This Friday, March 3rd, dismissal is at 3:00 pm!

Next week is Ruach Week, where every day of the week is an opportunity to dress up in a different theme.
See the poster below for the schedule.

Another way we celebrate is by going to the school-wide Purim Carnival. To make it even more fun, students can win tickets and trade them in for prizes! We are looking for donations of gently used toys and tchatchkes to be used as prizes. If you would like to donate something and are unsure if it is appropriate, please send us a picture and we will let you know!

Purim is coming!

Purim is coming and we are gearing up for a fabulous school-wide celebration. Next week is Ruach Week, where every day of the week is an opportunity to dress up in a different theme. See the poster below for the schedule. Another way we celebrate is by going to the Purim Carnival. To make it even more fun, students can win tickets and trade them in for prizes! We are looking for donations of gently used toys and tchatchkes to be used as prizes. If you would like to donate something and are unsure if it is appropriate, please send us a picture and we will let you know!