Remeber way back when, on November 1st, we had a lovely guest (Dov) who made our November Weather Tracker? Well, here we are at the end of the month – wow time flies! We learned about the weather in English, Hebrew, and our favourite ended up being French! We love singing Quel temps fait-il by Alain Lelait.
Here is what we discovered:
November has a lot of different kinds of weather, usually more than one at a time, and it changes during the day! The most common weather was cloudy (nuageux). There was also a lot of sunshine (soleil) and wind (vent). There were some rainy days (pluie) and some snowy days (neige). There were no foggy days (brouillard). We added a rainbow (arc-en-ciel) because Ittay saw one!
A big thank you to Ittay for bringing in his weekend and PD Day weather tracker to add to our data collection!
Hi JK!
I love your weather tracker… this time of year is certainly unpredictable when it comes to what Mother Nature is going to do!
I love that you tracked it this month and you were able to incorporate some French in there too!
Ittay your PD Day and weekend weather tracker is impressive! What a great addition 🙂