Fall Collages and reminders

Important upcoming dates:

  • October 27 – 3pm Friday Dismissal, and dress down day, see below
  • October 31 – Photo retake day – please let us know if your child will be needing a retake
  • November 2 – 12:00 pm dismissal for goal setting meetings, looking forward to collaborating with you!
  • November 3 – NO SCHOOL for goal setting meetings
  • November 10 – 2pm Friday early dismissal begins

Some beautiful tear-art trees, adorned with leaves collected from the yard!


Colour Mixing continued, and a little bit of sukkot!

This week, we had a blast mixing colours in so many different ways. We conducted the walking rainbow experiment, painted with watercolour paints, listened to colour mixing songs, and finally, made our own type of colour wheel with a mixing chart to remind us what happens when you mix different primary colours together.

We’ve also been preparing for Sukkot. We made decorations for the school Sukkah and for home, learned about arba’at ha’minim, and made Sukkah collages in art class. So much fun!

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!

Today we celebrated the birthday of the trees, and the birthday of one of our friends in class!

We kicked off the celebrations by planting the beans and lentils that we germinated last week. They will stay in our class all this week, to be taken home on Friday, so we can see and track their growth. We reviewed the life cycle of a plant (seed – root – sprout – plant) and talked about how trees are good for people, animals, and the environment.

Next, we had our favourite fruit show and tell, with kiwi, mango, pear, figs, grapes, pomegranate, cherries, and a pomelo! Everyone was excited to talk about their fruit and we used our five senses to examine them.

Then, we had a Tu Bi’shevat seder with our reading buddies in grade 4. We learned about the 7 minim (species), and enjoyed eating them! We made grass heads together, which were sent home today. They need a nice sunny spot and water every day. Please comment and/or send pics when the grass grows!

Then we celebrated our friend’s birthday and had some yummy cupcakes. A BIG thank you to his family for giving our class an awesome tug-of-war rope! We are SO excited to play with it!

All in all it was a very busy day. We hope they all sleep well tonight!


Tu Bi’shevat higiya! Tu Bi’shevat is coming!

JK has been very busy getting ready to celebrate Tu Bi’shevat on Monday! We talked about the importance of trees to people, animals, and the environment, and created some beautiful handprint tree art. We also started to germinate some beans and lentils, and learned about the life cycle of a seed: seed – sprout – root – plant. On Monday, we will join our grade 4 reading buddies and have a Tu Bi’shevat seder and a little surprise project!
Stay tuned!

Happy Chanukah!

Today we made some beautiful unique marbelized invitations for our Chanukah show tomorrow evening! If you’re interested in the process and the science, please click here. We learned about the miracle of the ‘shemen’ (oil) on Chanukah, why shemen (oil) does not mix with mayim (water), and experimented with different kinds of paper that we called ‘thirsty’ (watercolour paper) and ‘not thirsty’ (cardstock). We also celebrated the first day of Chanukah with some singing, candle lighting, and window decorating. A very big TODAH RABAH! to Ivri’s family for bringing us a beautiful chanukiyah and some lovely candles!
Happy Chanukah!